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Java: a short practical introduction about various varaible types used in Java.

Sachin R Kukale - 02:37
As human language has some specific literals, words, constructors, grammar computer languages also have these defined in it. Compiler (which is different for every language and we cannot execute programs in any language without having specific compiler for it) is responsible for checking whether you are using correct language constructs, grammar, literals etc in that specific language. If you want to know the another language which is unknown to you then you are required to learn the literals of that language, constructs of that language and grammar to construct your sentences along with the words used in that language; likewise to learn any computer language you are required to learn all above particular things and rules to define that language.
Like these other languages Java has some defined set of characters, literal and constant words which are listed below:
1.     Character Set: Character set in Java defines the set of characters that can be use in Java programming language. The allowed set of character that can be used in Java is:
Unicode characters
2.     Identifiers: Identifiers are the names given to some specific entities of programming language so that these entities can be identified and processed uniquely by the compiler. Identifiers are classified in two types as:
a)     Built-in Identifiers: These are reserved keywords in programming language whose meaning cannot be changed by the programmers. Some built identifiers in Java are:
                                                                    i.            Data Types:
Data types
Required Bytes
Default Value
Min Value
Max Value
Not defined
True OR
\u0000 0
b)      User Defined identifiers:  Identifiers which are defined by the user to identify the programming entities are called as user defined identifiers. These identifiers helps programmer to identify the programming entities uniquely.
Rules to define User defined identifiers in Java are:
                                                                     i.            Only letters (a-z), (A-Z), digits (0-9) and underscore (_) can be used to name the identifier.
                                                                   ii.            There is no restriction on the length of name of identifier.
                                                                  iii.            Keywords and built in identifiers can not be used as name for used defined identifiers.
                                                                 iv.            The name of the identifier should not start with digit (0-9).
                                                                   v.            Methods to verify the whether the character can be part of user defined identifier or not are:
boolean isJavaIdentifierPart(char)
boolean isJavaIdenitiferStart(char)
                                Some General Recommendations while defining the name of the identifiers in Java:
Ø  The name of identifiers for a type like class, package, interface, enum and annotations first letter of each word should be written in capital or upper case.
Ø  For method variables first character must be in lower case and first letter of each word should be in upper case (in case of multiple words) All the other letters should be in lower case.
Ø  If you are providing any identifier for constant then all letters must be in uppercase. If multiple words are present then underscore (_) character must be used as separator.
Ex: final flaot PI;
      final float SIMPLE_INTEREST;
3.     Control Statements: if,else,switch,case,default,break,continue,return,goto,while,do,for are some of the general control statements which can be used in Java.
try, catch, finally, throws, assert are the exception handling statements in Java.
ü  Constant and goto can not be used in source file as the meaning of these keywords is not defined in Java.
ü  True, false and null are not keywords and they can be used as values for types.
ü  Every keyword in Java is written in lowercase always. Java is case sensitive programming language.
4.     Data Types: Data types are used indicate the type of data or value that is used. Data types are also used to declare the variable to indicate the type of data that can be hold by the variables in future.
                                i.            Primitive Data types: The primitive data types are used to declare the variables that can hold actual data. There are 8 primitive data types as specified by the Sun Microsystems as: Boolean, byte, short, char, int, long, float, double.
                              ii.            Reference Type: Reference types are used to declare user defined types or arrays. In java user defined types are class, interface, enum, annotations etc. The value for this type will be reference and it is calculated by the JVM, by performing some operations on the actual address. In java actual addresses can not be accessed. For reference type default value is null, byte used is 8 byte.
5.     Variables: Variables are used to indicate the memory locations to access the value present in those particular locations. Variable can hold some value and it indicates to the address of memory where actual data is stored.
                         i.            Instance Variables: A variable which is declared inside the class and outside any member, constructor, initialization block without using static keyword are called as instance variable.
                       ii.            Static variables: A variable which is declared inside the class and outside any member, constructor, initialization block using static keyword are called as instance variable.
                     iii.            Local variables: A variable which is declared inside any member, constructor, and initialization block is called as local variable.
Syntax to declare a variable:


Syntax to declare and initialize a variable:


Syntax to declare and initialize multiple variables:


6.     Constants: Constants are always declared using the keyword ‘final’. Final variable i.e. constants can not be reassigned. Once constants are initialized before they are used. Constants will not be initialized by JVM the programmer is responsible for initializing the constants. Constants also do not have any default value.


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