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Some special and unique features of java.

Sachin R Kukale - 02:19
Every programming language has its own special features and such features are very much dependent on the objectives behind developing the programming languages. In this section we will discuss some special features of the java programming language with history behind implementing the feature and tools that supports such special features in Java:
ü Simple: The syntax of Java programming language is simple and logical. Java derives most of its structure and syntax from C and C++. The reason behind adopting this simple syntax is to help people understand the Java easily and quickly. Moreover if you have knowledge of C or C++; Java will sound familiar to you. This simplicity in structure as well as adaptation of the syntax from previous popular programming languages made java popular and the same made it easier for programmers who know the C or C++.
ü Object Oriented: Java is purely object oriented programming language. As Java was designed independently and designers didn’t have burden to make it compatible with other source-code based language they used this advantage to create simple, powerful and object oriented language. The Java’s object model is simple and powerful and it can balance the two extreme views about object oriented programming.
ü Robust:  The advent of internet and existence of more than one computing platforms demands the programs that can be executed on variety of systems reliably. Java is strictly typed programming language and it checks your code at compile time and also at run-time, to avoid many errors that may be difficult to find out and solve. Also java restricts you in some areas while it gives you full freedom in another. For ex. To avoid the errors that comes from misunderstood the concept of pointers; Java vendors avoided to add pointers feature in Java. Also the two places where mistakes happens while coding are: exceptional conditions that are not handled properly and memory management. Both of these tasks memory management and exception handling are tedious but in Java you need not to worry about that. Java vendors have provided some features like garbage collector which handles such job internally for you.
ü Platform Independent: Java is platform independent programming language; which means that you can get same results from a program developed on Linux and is executed on Windows or other platforms. Java has some special features which makes it platform independent and some driving forces which caused the development of Java as platform independent.
To understand why Java is platform independent we have to understand the environment in which Java programs are run. Every java programs run in an environment called JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Without JVM we cannot run or execute any program or application which is written using Java. Internally this JVM is responsible for handling the entire execution of the program. JVM provides the memory and other resources for execution of the program on behalf of the operating system.
When you write a code and execute it using the javac compiler the compiler produces a highly optimized code called Bytecode. Then this code is used by JVM to execute the program in real time. JVM is interpreter of the Bytecode and thus we can say that Java uses both compiler and interpreter to execute the programs. So if you have the only JVM implemented for each platform then the Bytecode will give same result along all the platforms.
Remember JVM or Java programming language (Java Development Kit) is also not platform independent but only the programs developed using the Java programming language are platform independent due to the concepts of bytecode and JVM.
ü Security and Portability: The same concepts bytecode and JVM are responsible for providing the two other features of the Java Programming language: portability and security. As bytecode can be read only by JVM no one can insert malicious software or code snippet that can harm other parts of computer as that bytecode will never be read by other applications in the computer. As said earlier due the co-existence of the different computing platforms at the same time it was necessary to make the Java portable so that every user on any platform can use the applications of java or can create applications using Java.
ü Multithreaded: To create real time networked applications Java supports the concept of multithreading, which is important concept when it comes to performing many tasks simultaneously. Java allows us to write programs that can perform multiple tasks at the same time. The multithreading feature is important in multi-tasking and multi-user environment.
ü Architectural Neutral: In changing world we cannot guarantee the continuous existence of anything and so we cannot guarantee that the computing platforms and architecture existing today will last forever. Changes are made for achieving the new goals and aims to provide the better solutions to us. So in the due course of time architecture of computer may change but people behind Java wanted to run the same programs on these changing architectures too. Thus Java was made to be architectural neutral and this feature is also achieved by implementation of JVM, which ensures the safe execution of Java programs on any platforms. It also ensures that program written today will run on future machines as long as JVM exists.

So these are some special features of Java and you can now say that Java is truly programmer’s language which provides full support when required and restricts you when you are going to make mistakes. These features of Java are also called as Java Buzzwords. Remember every feature has reason to implement it and every feature has something which provides support for that feature from core of the Java.


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