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Installing Java Development kit and setting up complete java executable environment n your PC.

Sachin R Kukale - 02:22
Installing JDK: JDK can be downloaded from the official site of vendor i.e. Oracle Corporation. As this JDK is free don’t need to pay any money or charges before downloading or installing the JKD in your machine.
But remember JDK is not platform independent and thus you need to choose the correct version of your OS, to download the compatible version of JDK.
Once you complete the download, open the destination folder and double click on .exe file to start the installation of the program. While installing the JDK always keep in mind that:
        i.            You can install more than one versions of JDK at the same time. For ex. You can install jdk 1.4 and jdk7 at the same time and you can choose which version should be used as per the requirements.
      ii.            You can change the destination folder to install the jdk. It is not mandatory to install the jdk in C:\ drive or along with the windows.
Installing jdk is not a difficult process and you are not required to have any special skills. After installing the jdk you can not directly execute java programs you have to set up the environment by following the steps given below.
Setting the path environment variable in Windows permanently in system:
1.      You can setup the environment variable in two ways. We will first see how to set the path for javac compiler in your computer’s environment variable list.
2.      Click on ‘Start’->the Right click on ‘Computer’ -> From the drop down menu select the ‘Properties’ option.
3.      You might get different types of windows depending upon the version of the OS you are using. If you are using Windows 7 or higher then you have to click on ‘Advanced System settings’ option in the left pane of the system properties window.
4.      Then under the ‘Advanced’ tab you will get option ‘Environment variables’.
5.      Click on the option ‘Environment Variable’.
6.      Go to the installation directory of your jdk. Navigate to the ‘bin’ folder of the jdk copy the address in the address bar of the window.
7.      Now after choosing the environment variable option click on ‘Edit’ tab. A small window will be opened with values for ‘Path’ at the end of this current path add ‘;’ (semi-colon) and after that paste the path to bin directory of JDK where it has been installed on your system.
8.      Then click on ‘OK’ and apply the settings.
9.      To view the whether you have set the path correctly go to command prompt by typing ‘cmd’ in run menu and type ‘javac’ at the command prompt. If command is executing successfully, displaying various options to execute the Java program; your path and environment to create and execute java program is set up successfully.
10.   If you are getting message like ‘command ‘javac’ is not found or not valid’ it means that you have not set path correctly for the ‘bin’ directory of JDK where it is installed.
Why it is required to set the path environment variable to execute java programs successfully?
Java programs are executed through the usage of Java compiler and we invoke it by executing ‘javac’ command. Now when you type ‘javac’ at the command prompt the operating system looks for the executable ‘javac’ file in the already defined path environment variable. If system founds then executable ‘javac’ file at the specified location then it executes the command successfully and if not found it returns the error. This is the reason behind setting up the path environment variable to execute the java programs successfully on your computer.

Setting the path environment variable in Windows with command prompt temporarily:
1.      You can define the separate path environment variable for each command prompt you start. But this path environment variable is temporary and when you exit the current command prompt it will be deleted. That is path set at command prompt will be local to that command prompt only.
2.      To see the current path environment variable type: ‘path’.
3.      You will see the current path for the system. Now to set path type:
‘set path=%path%;

You are done! Check whether the path environment variable is set correctly or not by typing ‘javac’ at the command prompt. 


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