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Constructors in Java;use, importance and structure

Sachin R Kukale - 20:47
Constructor in Java is a block of code which is mainly used for creating and initializing the objects. Syntax of constructors is like syntax of method so if you see, normally constructors do not differ much from methods, but they must have simple class name as name and they must not have any return type.
Syntax to declare the constructors:
[modifier(s)] ([parameter(s
)]) [throws throwable]
//Body of constructor.

The modifiers like private, public, protected can be use with constructors to define their scope specifically. Constructor must have class name as its name.
If you specify return type to the constructor then it will be treated as method.
class Student{
public Student(){         //Constructor for student class.
Public void Student()   //Will be method as it has return type.
Compiler will place a default constructor if you are not providing any constructor explicitly. A default constructor placed by compiler automatically, will be a constructor with no arguments. If you specify a constructor then compiler will not provide any default constructor.
To make your class and object usable with reflections and other frameworks the constructor must be constructor with no arguments or default constructor provided by the compiler. We can also define no argument constructor for creating and initiating the objects.
Compiler will place super() call to immediate parent call constructor in any constructor if:
·         No super() call is provided by the programmer.
·         No this() call is provided by the programmer.
The aim of placing super() call is to propagate constructor class to parent class and lastly to java.lang.Object class constructor; because if your constructor is not following this hierarchy then it will be impossible for compiler to allocate memory for your constructor as memory will be allocated for object of all classes which are in inheritance hierarchy of from object class to class provided in instance creation expression.
Constructors can be overloaded i.e. more than one constructors can be provided in same class but with different type signature/parameters. To call such overloaded constructors you can use ‘this’ keyword.
But if you are using ‘this’ keyword then it must be the first statement in the constructor.
You can use super() call to call the parent class constructor but when you use it, it must be first statement in the constructor.
So from above two statements we can say that we can not have combination of ‘this’ and  ‘super’ keywords in a constructor at same time.
The process of calling constructor from child class to parent class and executing the constructor in reverse order is called constructor chaining.
Process of calling one constructor from other is called as constructor chaining and you must place call to another constructor as first line of any other constructor.
There is no destructor in Java, like C++.


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