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Blogger or Wordpress which is best an: insight review

Sachin R Kukale - 07:55
One of the most important step while starting blogging is choosingbest blog hosting service for your blog or website or if you are opting for free blog hosting services then you might wonder which is better to opt for Blogger or Wordpress. Actually you will many free as well as paid blog hosting services with specific set of features. Still Blogger and Wordpress are always in the first two choice of any blogger while starting their blog. Both have retained their top position in blogging platforms with unbeatable quality of service they offer for their blogger. Being two different services owned by two different companies representing two different cultures they have much differences. And if you are quite a newbie then these differences matters a lot to you.
So you have decided the niche as described in the article about how to start your own blog. now you are in position to decide the best web hosting or cheapest blog hosting service for your blog. Despite of knowing the disadvantages of hosting your blog on free blog hosting services if you need to opt for free blog hosting service then Blogger or Wordpress might be on your mind. But how to choose between these Blogger or Wordpress? So here is the comparison between Blogger and Wordpress for you:

Blogger Vs Wordpress which is best?

  1. Blogger:
  2. Blogger or Wordpres
    Blogger is owned by Google and like all the other services of Google Blogger is simple and efficient. You have lot of advantages using blogger as your blogging platform. As it is hosted by Google on their server across the world you will rarely experience the downtime. It is free gives you 99.99% of uptime! To start blogging using blogger you will required only 10 minutes since your previous google account is enough to start blogging. Just go to and sign with your google account, choose the domain name (which will be or whatever is for your country!),choose the theme and click on 'New Post' option thats it and it requires only these steps to start blogging. Though it is best service here some advantages and disadvantages of using blogger: Advantages of using blogger:
    1. As it is owned by your blog might be indexed faster!
    2. Very simple to use; anyone who knows about graphical user interface can use it.
    3. Adsense approval is fast if you are creating unique and original content.
    4. Support for multi-screens which is very important in these days since we have more mobile devices than pcs/laptop running internet
    5. Can be customized and not much restrictions on customization.
    6. You can have your own domain while using free web hosting!
    Disadvantages of using blogger:
    1. No direct customer support. You have to depend upon their support forums.
    2. No help in customization and design. You have to do it yourself.
    3. Your blog might be deleted without any notification.
    4. It doesn't as much widgets as Wordpress.


    Blogger or Wordpress
    Wordpress is CMS (Content Management System like Joomla or Drupal) which widely used to design almost any type of site ranging from a personal blog to e-commerce store. Well that provides you lot of advantages and customization but for that either you have to pay a professional or you should have knowledge of coding. Wordpress also provides very good blog hosting services as well as professional site hosting services and it claims that 23% of internet is powered Wordpress CMS. That means it is trusted and used widely. Though it is very good service it also have its pros and cons as discussed below: Advantages of using Wordpress:
    1. Very large number of themes and customization options.
    2. Very efficient and customizable widgets.Paid and free both types of widgets are available at Wordpress.
    3. You are the owner of your content.
    4. Provides great support if you are using premium service. But such service is not available for free users.
    5. It is reliable and widely used, trusted service in past years and still it is growing.
    Disadvantages of using Wordpress:
    1. It is not easy to use, if you don't know technical aspects.
    2. You will be given some services as free and then for using another good services like plugins and themes you have to pay.
    3. You can earn using free wordpress service. You are not allowed to put any kind of adds on free hosted wordpress blog.
    4. On the contrary Wordpress might put some adds and they will earn money from your free hosted blog on wordpress.
    5. You might feel lazy to customize your template since its not much easy and takes time.
    6. Blog loading is slower as compared to blogger.
So what blogging service will you choose? Depending on your needs and knowledge, I would recommend Blogger for newbies and Wordpress for people with some technical and coding knowledge. Both services are free to use as well as they provide you some paid services also! But finally you are the decision maker and you have to choose the service that suits you best. Though I would not recommend the free blogging platforms due to some disadvantages of free blogging platform, if you are beginner and if you want to test yourself then these are the best options.
My personal experience with Wordpress is not that good. Despite of good technical and coding knowledge I find myself somewhere lost in big sea with lot of types and number of fishes but don't know what to do and what will happen. Hence for me blogger is my favorite platform and thats true for most of the blogger!


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